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From the March 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Shall I? Or shall I not?" These questions seem frequently to be encountered in human experience. While they may often arise in connection with what are called trifles, they sometimes involve important decisions. Inability to decide between two or more courses of action may lead to delay, difficulty, and so-called danger. Decisiveness is a quality admired in others and desired for oneself.

It has been said, perhaps cynically, that the difference between human success and failure lies largely in the possession or lack of this quality of decisiveness; that the successful man is he who decides promptly and is right more than half the time. But is this margin of error necessary or desirable? Is there not some way to be always right? Sincerely desiring to choose the right course, one surely deserves assurance in regard to making a right decision!

Indeed, one does have that assurance. He will find it in the inspired Word of the Bible, which all Christians accept as the unfailing chart of life. The writer of Proverbs expresses it most forcefully when he says: "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths."

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