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From the March 1938 issue of The Christian Science Journal

If one who for many years has been a student of Christian Science should manifest what the medical faculty terms incurable disease, the question would naturally arise, How is one to go about healing it? Is it not more spiritual light that is needed? Then it is well to remain confident that the enlightenment will come, and continue to study and to listen for the voice of Truth.

A student of Christian Science was seeking a solution to such a problem, and one day these words came to her so clearly that she could not mistake their import: Silence the belief in material law!

This sentence made clear to the student where the difficulty lay. Mortal mind claims to work through the unconscious thought as well as through the conscious. In the suppositional absence of Truth, mortal mind is left to its own belief of activity, and it cannot do other than govern its phenomenon, matter, according to its own nature and tendencies. Christian Science enables one to gain dominion over ignorance. The appearing of disease is but the uncovering of a false belief which points to a need for more clearly recognizing that the claims of material sense are unreal, and for more spiritual alertness. When a belief in disease is viewed from this standpoint, "the day of salvation" is at hand, for it cannot longer deceive one, and is therefore ripe for destruction.

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