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From the March 1939 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Contrary to belief in some quarters, Christian Science is simple both in statement and in practice. The words of the Discoverer and Founder of Christian Science, Mary Baker Eddy, make this point clear in "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures," where she has written (Pref., p. x,) "No intellectual proficiency is requisite in the learner, but sound morals are most desirable." This being so, the beginner should never let doubt, based on his seeming lack of educational background, assail him regarding his ability to comprehend the teachings of Christian Science. Indeed, it may assure him to be told that scholars may, for a time, be baffled by the very simplicity of Christian Science.

Christian Science is based on the Scriptures. It is the final revelation of the Christ, Truth. It is the full statement, in modern language, of the message that Jesus the Christ delivered to mankind in the towns and the countryside of what is now called the Holy Land, and is the "Comforter," or "Spirit of truth," whose coming he foretold. Christianity, it is true, has been preached these many centuries since that time, but not pure Christianity, as revealed and demonstrated by Christ Jesus. When Jesus declared, "If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free," he did not limit the freedom. He himself freed from all manner of evil those who came to him, and he made it clear that all who were faithful to his teachings could also free themselves and others from error of every kind.

So Christian Science faces the world with the authorization of the master Christian to support it. Christian Science is not Mrs. Eddy's invention, but her discovery, bringing to light the divine Principle of primitive Christianity, that same Christianity which brought healing of both sin and sickness in the days of Jesus, Paul, and the early Christians.

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