The Christian Science War Relief Committee greatly appreciates the splendid response that Christian Scientists have made to this work. Most of the shipments of clothing received have been excellent, especially the new garments sent in. There is yet something to be desired in regard to the second-hand garments being received.
Before used clothing is sent to us, each garment should be examined, preferably by a small committee chosen for the purpose, to see (1) if it is comparable to new—really a very good garment; (2) that it is perfectly clean; and (3) that it is completely mended, buttons sewed on and all stitches taken. Otherwise it cannot be forwarded by us to England.
This careful selection is imperative for several reasons. First, we have set this standard. Secondly, shipping space to England is limited and must be reserved for only the best. Thirdly, it is not economically sound to pay postage or express charges on inferior goods only to have them discarded by us.