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From the September 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When our taste is sufficiently developed, we choose suitable frames for our pictures. As students of Christian Science we may, in a sense, think of its teachings as framing our lives. Yet some of us occasionally depart from these teachings, and say that we are tired, that we are sick. If we are sick and tired it is only because we have given reality to the pictures of the material mind. When we realize that we are "framed by the word of God" (Hebr. 11:3), we cannot be deceived into accepting a dis-eased picture of ourselves.

Obviously the material thought process must be reversed. The picture must be brought within the frame of Christian Science teaching. Christ Jesus warned his followers that there would be "wars and rumours of wars" (Matt. 24:6), but John, in his revelation of Truth, saw that Satan and his wars could not stand before the forces of Truth. This revelation must also come to the consciousness of the Christian Scientist.

A mother whose son was an officer in charge of bombs on Attu heard that he had been moved to another island. She knew that Kiska was the last toehold of the Japanese on American soil, and that this therefore was likely to be the eventual objective. Because of the necessity of digging the firmly entrenched enemy from his hideouts, our commentators sought to prepare their radio listeners for the huge losses which might follow such an offensive. Seeking to arrive at a correct basis of thought, the troubled parent turned anxiously to the Bible, and was aroused by Isaiah's cry (Isa. 40:15), "Behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing."

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