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From the September 1945 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Shall humanity accept mere human idealism or turn to the spiritual radicalism which Christ Jesus taught and demonstrated, is a challenge facing us today. When he declared, "Take no thought for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink" (Matt. 6:25), the Master was announcing a way of life that is both practical and satisfying. All his words and works are expressive of the absolute and scientific basis of his thinking. He did not suggest a future heaven and peace, but constantly proclaimed the presence, power, and law of heaven at hand.

Spiritual consciousness is the only true consciousness, and never compromises with materialistic thinking. The insistence of the world generally on material methods must be met by spirituality proved practical in all the minutiae of human affairs. It is not too much to expect prayer to characterize one's mental attitude toward his life and activity. That prayer is being recognized in world affairs is proved in many instances. For example, the world's largest grain market pauses every morning for two minutes of silent prayer for peace.

Many examples of protection and healing through Christian Science during the present World War show forth the supremacy of spiritual power over material beliefs. The acknowledgment of prayer as an active influence in daily experience is awakening in human consciousness the desire to know God; and through the revelation by our beloved Leader, Mary Baker Eddy, of the Christ, Truth, countless students of Christian Science are realizing and demonstrating the availability of this Truth.

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