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From the December 1946 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Christ Jesus, that world-enlightening character whose life and teachings continue to exert an increasingly mighty influence on the thoughts of men, said of himself, "I am the Son of God" (Matt. 27:43). Furthermore, he sought to make plain for all ages that the true individuality of everyone is a son of God. He included all with himself in God's universal family when he spoke of "my Father, and your Father" (John 20:17).

The truth that man, whether considered individually or collectively, is the son of the one Father needs to be more fully assimilated by each of us, for in each individual's understanding of his spiritual sonship with God, and nowhere else, lies his sure salvation from unhappiness, sin, disease, and mortality, and the world's hope for enduring peace.

The Son of God, we need to realize, is not a physical personality living in some period or place any more than the Father is a human person in a human environment. The Father's nature determines His Son's nature. God, being immaterial Spirit, infinite Mind, has one effect, Mind's full expression, Love's infinitely individualized manifestation, the one universe or kingdom of true ideas and identities. Nothing less is begotten of the Father.

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