In his letter to the Philippians Paul writes, "Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice." If each day we are conscious of the omnipotence of God, Spirit, unending joy will be ours. In the Preface to the Christian Science textbook, "Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy, we read (p. vii), "To those leaning on the sustaining infinite, to-day is big with blessings."
It makes me very happy to be able to express my gratitude for daily proofs of divine Love's care and for healings of various kinds. I should like to tell of just one of these healings, experienced a few years ago. I had noticed that a swelling on my body was steadily increasing in size, and although I had known of Christian Science for many years, fear overcame me, and dejection and despair set in. I asked a practitioner for help, which was lovingly given me. But it seemed as if the fear would not yield. One day I was entrusted with a commission which gave me an opportunity to talk with another Christian Science practitioner, and I told him about the thoughts which were holding me in bondage. With a brief statement which aroused my thinking, the Christian Scientist denied the error most emphatically, and the healing was instantaneous. Fear disappeared from my consciousness, and with it the thoughts of an inharmonious condition; I was filled with infinite peace and calmness.
Later on I noticed that the swelling had entirely disappeared. An eminent surgeon had previously assured me it could only be removed by an operation.