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From the October 1951 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What and where is the kingdom of heaven, that we may seek and truly find it? Christ Jesus answered this question for all mankind. He said (Luke 17: 20, 21), "The kingdom of God cometh not with observation: neither shall they say, Lo here! or, lo there! for, behold, the kingdom of God is within you." The Master had much to say about this kingdom, or spiritual consciousness, explaining through precept, parable, and example the way to experience its beneficence.

Through centuries men had longed for the millennium, an ideal state of harmony and happiness. Spiritually-minded prophets had envisioned and foretold the coming of the Saviour, who would deliver mankind from their bonds and vicissitudes. Through ages of ebb and flow the concept of one God as universal good gradually made progress until thought was in some degree prepared for the appearance of Christ Jesus. But even then materialism appeared to have such a hold generally that only a few could discern and practice the spiritual teachings of the Master. Only his closest followers saw, as Christian Science now teaches, that the personal Jesus was not the divine idea, or Christ, but that he had come to present, to live, and to demonstrate the Christ, the spiritual idea, or Son of God. Thus through his selfless life of love and spiritual power he became humanity's Way-shower to the kingdom of heaven within.

Through working out his own salvation from the belief of life in matter, that is, a supposititious existence separate from God, Jesus showed all mankind how to do the same. Through acknowledging and demonstrating the kingdom of heaven, harmony, as his own consciousness, he showed us the way. He recognized that his God-inspired mission was to waken mankind from ignorance and sin and heal it of its woes. His great love found utterance in his oft-quoted words (John 10:10), "I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." In his benign presence human needs and problems quickly vanished.

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