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From the December 1953 issue of The Christian Science Journal

"Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and see this thing which is come to pass, which the Lord hath made known unto us" (Luke 2:15). So they left their sheep in the fields and went to Bethlehem. The shepherds, faithful to their charge, had heard the angelic chorus echoing through the hills. They realized that a higher mission awaited them than the custody of sheep.

A Bible commentator has said that these were no ordinary shepherds, but young priests trained in the temple service and placed in charge of the flocks assembled near Jerusalem to be sacrificed at the Jewish festival of Passover. Whether the shepherds were young or old, rustic or cultured, is of little consequence. The important point is that they were faithful to their temporal charge, listening when a higher idea of life was presented, and spontaneous in their desire to leave their material charge and seek the spiritual idea.

The lesson of the Bethlehem shepherds is a lesson for us today. We have heard the good tidings of great joy as we have felt the presence of peace on earth and good will toward men proclaimed to us through Christian Science. Are we ready obediently to rise up and follow? We may not see more than a few steps ahead, but we know the Christ goes before us if we are obedient, faithful, and true. The understanding of our divine rights as the sons and daughters of God is not made our own through a halfhearted adherence.

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