I should like to express my unbounded gratitude for Christian Science and for all that it has done for me and for my family. Although I knew of it throughout my youth. I did not become an earnest student until early in my married life, when my husband became ill and passed on. There seemed to be a great vacuum to fill, and I turned to all sides to gain comfort and release from worry. Finally I suffered a nervous breakdown.
I quickly turned to the help of a faithful practitioner. There was much in my thinking to be corrected, and I shall never forget the practitioner's persistent work for me. Each treatment brought me greater spiritual regeneration and helped me to see a little more of the truth. I attained willingness and joy in studying the Lesson-Sermon in the Christian Science Quarterly. During this period I had more time for study and learned to make use of it, clinging to the truth that God was the real Father-Mother of my children and was caring for them and for me. How many times I have been comforted by Mrs. Eddy's words (Poems, p. 4),
"His habitation high is hero, and nigh. His arm encircles inc and mine, and all."