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From the June 1961 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Discord in our lives is proportionate to our conscious or unconscious agreement with the claims of the erroneous senses. It is a consequence of ungodlike thinking. If our thoughts are spiritual, our lives will be harmonious; if material, they will be inharmonious.

An erroneous premise which would, if believed, affect our human experience is this: "the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life," as Genesis (2:7) asserts. But is man a clod of earth with a personal mind in some way fused into it? If one concurs with this erroneous concept, he becomes the easy victim of the false consequences of that belief. He may be sick; he may be sinful; he may be unhappy and inharmonious, and, according to the universal belief of mortals, he will sometime return to dust.

Christian Science presents the truth that man is the spiritual image and likeness of God, a truth which is gradually but surely pushing back into oblivion the false premise as to man's origin and is correcting its effects. This truth pushes false concepts back not only by denying the belief that materiality and mortality are real, but affirming the truth that actually man is spiritual.

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