My parents endeavored to teach me as a child to turn to God for my help. No means other than the truths of Christian Science were considered for the preservation of health or the guidance of character in our home. I was healed of asthma while very young, and through the years I have seen colds, so-called children's diseases, fears, infections, the results of a fall from a horse, and other inharmonies yield to Love's power. Throughout my college experience I was able to prove that divine Mind alone is man's source of intelligence, his examiner, his judge. During this period were also unfolded an abiding sense of home and beautiful companionship.
After graduation I found that by seeking to know God as the only control and the limitless source of individuality, I could bring confidence and usefulness to my teaching of pupils in a junior high school. During my second year of teaching I was given midsemester classes in a school new to me, conducting courses with which I was unfamiliar. On my first day in the classroom I found to my chagrin that my eyes were not functioning normally. I continued my teaching for two days while praying earnestly to understand that the condition was unreal, despite its frightening symptoms.
I declared persistently man's unity with God. As I did this I gradually became more aware of man's perfect relationship with his creator. I perceived more clearly that man is not a combination of two elements—a spiritual nature striving to overcome human frailties and the image of God, entirely good.