There has lately been some conjecture whether this or that political figure has "charisma." According to a dictionary definition, "charisma" in this sense is "a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm for a statesman or military commander." This would imply personal magnetism or charm that attracts or influences others. This form of charisma can be an empty sham and a false attraction unless a leader has strong qualities of character based upon a desire to live righteously and help his fellowmen.
Every Christian should be interested in still another definition of this word: "An extraordinary power (as of healing) given a Christian by the Holy Spirit for the good of the church."
The Christian Scientist would remove the word "extraordinary" from this definition. He knows that neither Christ Jesus, who demonstrated the power to heal beyond all others, nor Mrs. Eddy, who reinstated his method of healing in our time, claimed to be a special recipient of a supernatural gift. Each showed by word and deed that the works of spiritual healing are available to all who are willing to understand God, and man's relationship to Him.