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Testimonies of Healing

When I was a year old, my mother was...

From the April 1971 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I was a year old, my mother was bedridden and very ill with a thyroid condition. Several medical specialists gave her six months to live. My father was told of Christian Science, and a Christian Science practitioner was contacted. My parents decided to rely entirely upon Christian Science, and through the practitioner's prayers my mother was healed. She was able to lead a normal life thereafter, taking care of her family.

As a result of this healing my mother became a dedicated student of Christian Science, faithfully studying the Bible and Mrs. Eddy's writings to discover more of the nature of God and man. Over the years, through her selfless, shining example of living what she was learning, she inspired many, myself included, to become active, working Scientists.

I learned as a child to turn to God to meet my every need. Over the years, as I have faced challenges—some serious ones —I have reached out prayerfully to God, divine Mind, and have been blessed immeasurably. Through glimpsing more of man's God-given nature I have witnessed in my family and for myself the overcoming of fear, improved dispositions, latent abilities coming to light, healing of illnesses and injuries, and tangible evidences of God's unerring direction and bountiful supply. With it all has come a greater purpose in life and increased opportunities to fulfill the desire to reach out and help mankind.

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