How much we need a calm assurance in this troubled time, when so many are confused and frightened by prophecies of destruction! Dissension, distrust, and disturbance seem to be the order of the day.
The words of Mrs. Eddy answer a deep demand of this generation: "To the burdened and weary, Jesus saith: 'Come unto me.' O glorious hope! there remaineth a rest for the righteous, a rest in Christ, a peace in Love. The thought of it stills complaint; the heaving surf of life's troubled sea foams itself away, and underneath is a deep-settled calm."Message to The Mother Church for 1902, p. 19;
This glorious hope is not unattainable. The "deep-settled calm" is attained through the demonstrable knowledge, brought by Christian Science, that God's will is always good, and that His law is, in reality, the only law governing the universe. Actually, the Mind that is God is guiding, governing, and directing all—even when mankind do not seem to be conscious of God's government.