I must express my gratitude for all the wonderful things that have come into our lives through the study of Christian Science. During a long life I have seen this truth bring about healings of nearly every ill that the flesh is heir to. My mother found this wonderful way of life before I was born. At the death of her first child she was told by the attending physician that her heart was very weak and that it would be fatal to try to bear another child. She was healed in Christian Science, and I am one of a family of seven reared in this religion.
We always attended a Christian Science Sunday School, sometimes in our home, sometimes in a Church of Christ, Scientist, or Christian Science Society, and were taught at a very early age to turn to God with all our problems. Even if we have such a background, there comes a time to all of us when we must take a strong stand for spiritual healing. I would like to tell of when this experience came to me. It is one of the foundational rocks on which my life is built.
I married a good man, although he knew nothing of Christian Science. He is very understanding and has no objection to my continuing study of Science. When our first babies, twin girls, were quite small, an epidemic of diphtheria broke out in the small town in which we were living. One case was fatal, and everyone had great fear. As there was no doctor in our little town, one was called from a neighboring town to inoculate all the children. My husband said he would like to have our babies inoculated. Seeing his fear and knowing the great love he had for these little girls, I told him to send for the doctor. When the doctor arrived, he said he was out of vaccine and it would be several days before he would have more, as we lived in a remote part of west Texas.