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Testimonies of Healing

Three healings through Christian Science...

From the August 1972 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Three healings through Christian Science treatment are outstanding in my experience.

The first occurred when I was of preschool age. I was struck by a car and taken, unconscious, to a nearby doctor's office. My parents were called and, upon arrival, were told that I had a brain concussion and should be rushed to the hospital. My mother explained that we are Christian Scientists and called a Christian Science practitioner from the doctor's office. When I regained consciousness, I was taken home. The doctor was concerned and came to our home the following day. To his surprise he found me completely well.

During the following years I found the truths I was learning in the Christian Science Sunday School a tremendous help in my schoolwork, especially in college. However, it was not until I was married and raising children of my own that I saw the true value of this priceless teaching, for I began using the truths I had learned to help them. I joined a branch church and soon had class instruction—an invaluable experience.

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