In solving any problem we can always trust the power of a right idea to reverse our concept of an erroneous situation or condition, whether it be a personal problem or a worldwide one. Wrong thinking is the culprit that has brought on the problem in the first place. Right thinking, therefore, can be depended upon to undo the adverse effects of wrong thinking. Mrs. Eddy writes, "You command the situation if you understand that mortal existence is a state of self-deception and not the truth of being."Science and Health, p. 403;
Christian Science shows that the mortal, or carnal, mind is a misconception that would rob us of harmony. The divine Mind, which is another name for God, is the only cause, and this cause is always good. Any other so-called cause is baseless.
Confronted by a false condition, a condition that could never come about as a result of a good cause, if we reverse our thinking the outcome will lead to a recognition of the true condition. It is self-evident that God's thoughts, or ideas, can be only good, and must bless. Whatever appears to mortal thought can be exchanged for spiritual concepts. As students of Christian Science, we can work for the world in this way. Faithfully done, this reversing does much to alleviate such conditions, and may even heal them completely.