A young couple on a European tour entered a cathedral hand in hand. They were soon stopped by the verger. "None of that here!" he brusquely admonished. "You don't go into heaven hand in hand."
It was an arresting thought! Though we may not think of holding hands in church as being taboo, we do have authority for the need to enter individually the heaven of spirituality.
The Apostle Paul tells us, "Work out your own salvation." Writing from Rome to the young Christian Church at Philippi, he urges this rule upon friends who may never see him again and who now more than ever must look beyond human help. "For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of his good pleasure." 1 More than eighteen centuries later, Mrs. Eddy stated a similar thought: "Each student should, must, work out his own problem of being; conscious, meanwhile, that God worketh with him, and that he needs no personal aid." 2