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Testimonies of Healing

Although I was brought up in Christian Science,...

From the October 1981 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Although I was brought up in Christian Science, I dropped away from it for a time, until I began to recognize the infinite blessings that result from the study and application of its truths. Soon, although I'd made countless futile attempts to quit smoking through human will, Christian Science healed me completely of all desire to smoke and indulge in social drinking. Another early healing was that of frequent headaches. These had plagued me almost daily for months. Release finally came after I took a stand for full reliance on spiritual truth by throwing away a bottle of aspirin I'd held on to just in case the pain became unbearable. The headaches have not recurred. After that, a healing of our eldest daughter, while she was still a baby, planted my footsteps firmly in Science and inspired my husband to embrace this teaching.

Later on, it became evident that this same daughter was having learning problems at school. This continued for more than five years and was very frustrating for the child and me, as I spent hours each night coaching her in her studies. Suddenly it dawned on me that I had been accepting as truth the notion that she was a slow learner. I began to realize that in her true nature as God's idea, she reflected unlimited intelligence. Practically overnight there was a dramatic change in her grades. For the last several years she has been on the honor roll.

At one time my husband was quite ill. He had been unable to retain food for several days and was very weak. I was preparing to go to church when I heard him fall. For several minutes I could not reach him because his body blocked the door. Finally I managed to push the door open enough to enter the room, but I found him unconscious and became very fearful. Realizing that something must be done immediately, I began vigorously affirming the words of "the scientific statement of being." This powerful declaration of God's omnipotence ends (Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, p. 468): "Spirit is God, and man is His image and likeness. Therefore man is not material; he is spiritual.'' Before I had finished, my husband sat up. We rejoiced together and a quick healing resulted. He later told me that, although he'd been unable to respond at the time, he had faintly heard the words I was speaking; his fear left, and he regained consciousness.

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