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Testimonies of Healing

Does Christian Science heal as it did...

From the October 1981 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Does Christian Science heal as it did years ago? The answer is yes, this Science has come to heal and save, to prove for mankind God's unfailing love and care. This testimony is offered as evidence of these facts.

When I was about ten years old, I felt a deep longing to know more about the life of Christ Jesus. Enrolled in a Protestant Sunday School, I searched maps of the Holy Land, read the Bible stories, and was filled with wonder at the accounts of Jesus' healings. My mother too began to seek deeper meaning in the Scriptures and a more spiritual approach to her life. At the recommendation of a friend she bought a copy of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy and started to read it.

One night as I was bathing, my mother noticed that my hips were not aligned. As soon as possible my parents took me to an orthopedic specialist. After a thorough examination, he said that I needed immediate medical attention because one leg was shorter than the other and had stopped growing normally. Also, the foot was a full size smaller than the other. He called this a congenital condition of the hip joint and said that we could expect more deterioration. After prescribing a corrective shoe and recommending surgery to halt the deterioration, he said that even with surgery there was only a 50 percent chance of my ever walking normally.

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