The Holy Bible states that man is the offspring of God, Spirit, thereby forever linking man to his divine source. The book of Malachi confirms this: "Have we not all one father? hath not one God created us?"1
Being so linked, man cannot, in spiritual fact, be a finite, physical mortal separated from God, as our physical senses persuade us to believe. The physical senses, being no part of God, of Spirit, cannot testify accurately to man's real nature. Thus to human sense there does seem to be a separation between man and God, the creator of all. But this is an illusory state rather than an actual one.
Through the Science of Christ, Christian Science, we can reason logically from spiritual cause, God, to scientific effect, man, His reflection, and so reach the correct conclusion of harmony and reality. Such reasoning is not, as it may seem, merely the activity of the human mind. It is proof of the very Christ itself, active in human consciousness as the power of the God who is intelligent omnipresence.