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Testimonies of Healing

I was eleven years old when my mother...

From the January 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I was eleven years old when my mother was led to investigate Christian Science. Mother had been a faithful member of a Christian church but had become dissatisfied with it when she was in her twenties. She then searched many years through the world's religions and philosophies for a higher sense of God and man. When she found this Science, she began attending the local branch church. My sister and I were enrolled in the Sunday School.

That was my introduction to Christian Science, but yielding to this revelation of Truth has not been without some severe struggles for me. I needed to be freed from many selfish character traits. There was slow but steady improvement through the years. Then finally, through persistent effort to practice what I was learning from daily study of the Bible Lesson, a true character change for the better occurred in me.

The healings of two somewhat similar knee injuries were opportunities for great spiritual growth. The first incident happened several years ago while I was skiing in the mountains with a nephew. I was brought down the mountain on a litter and taken to the first-aid station at the bottom of the slopes. While this went on I prayed for myself, acknowledging God as omnipresent and ever caring for us all. I knew that accident and disruption are never included in God's perfect plan for His idea, man.

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