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Testimonies of Healing

In ancient times, pearls were considered...

From the January 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

In ancient times, pearls were considered among the most precious of gems, something of extraordinary value. In the Bible, Christ Jesus speaks of the "pearl of great price," the kingdom of heaven, and of the merchant man who sold all that he had to buy it (see Matt. 13:45, 46). Christian Science is that pearl, and its priceless value becomes more evident to me every day.

As our first daughter approached her second birthday, my husband and I felt, to our best sense, that the time had come to expand our family. I knew in my heart that this desire needed to be cherished first, but it seemed that human outlining immediately took precedence. When months had passed and I was still not expecting, I got in touch with a Christian Science practitioner for help through prayer. She reminded me that human outlining is not in accord with God's will and that God supplies all good, always. As suggested, I began a Concordance study of words such as birth, growth, expectation, origin, and creator in the Bible and in Mrs. Eddy's writings.

My husband and some colleagues had just started a business, and with my husband's consent I included this new activity in my spiritual study and prayer, applying the truths I was discovering to all aspects of the business. The tasks of forming partnerships, incorporation, a change of location, acquiring licenses, finding financial support, and purchasing equipment were all accomplished harmoniously. My husband, who is very supportive of my study of Christian Science, gratefully acknowledged the effectiveness of this prayerful approach and asked me to continue it.

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