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A conscience that cannot die

From the June 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The fact is, everyone has a conscience. This inalienable right derives from that moral and spiritual good known as God. The ability to think and live rightly is evidence of each one's inherent Godlikeness as the obedient creation of divine Spirit.

To say this, of course, runs counter to the worldly notion that conscience and morality have their origin in evolving human culture and custom rather than in fixed, divine Principle—in the supreme lawmaker, God, governing His spiritual universe in perfect order. Because this universal Principle is unconditional and infinite in its adaptations, as Christian Science explains, ethics can never rightly be defined or demonstrated as situational or circumstantial.

And because this Principle is eternal, what derives from it must be timeless. What is spiritually and morally true now must have been just as true in prehistoric time and will be equally true in the twenty-first century and beyond. No matter how primitive society once was or how technological it may become, a timeless standard of conduct exists for all the world to live by. Right is eternally right.

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