Today people everywhere are searching for spirituality, a deeper understanding of God. All who have found satisfying answers to their own yearning naturally want to share the truth with others. Offering to help others, sharing what you know of truth, answering people's questions about God, are all present-day activities of preaching the gospel to all the world—which is the responsibility of every Christian.
When neighbors or acquaintances ask you about God, you want to answer in a way that touches the heart. But to touch the heart of another, you must speak from your own heart. Mrs. Eddy writes, "When the heart speaks, however simple the words, its language is always acceptable to those who have hearts."1 While there is no formula for answering people's questions about God, there are some common characteristics of answers from the heart. To be most successful, I've found, we should (1) base our answer on the Bible, (2) keep it simple, (3) answer from our own individual experience, and (4) let our answer be spontaneous.
When someone asks you about God, or raises some other important religious question, you can always base your answer on Bible teachings. If you are unsure how to begin, ask yourself, "What do Christ Jesus' teachings and life show about this?"