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Testimonies of Healing

The healing animus of Christ, Truth...

From the June 1987 issue of The Christian Science Journal

The healing animus of Christ, Truth, and its wise counsel are always close, as the textbooks of Christian Science, the Bible and Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, proclaim. I am deeply grateful for this ever-present, divine influence.

During my early years such so-called childhood diseases as chicken pox and mumps were dealt with quickly and effectively through Christian Science treatment. While I was a preteen attending summer camp, a severe sunburn that had raised large blisters on my shoulders was treated in Science alone. The pain was nullified, and the skin returned to its normal state within a very short time. Also, when I was a teen-ager, severe leg burns from a gasoline fire were healed through prayer, leaving no scars.

Soon after graduating from university and just prior to starting employment with a large department store chain, I joined some friends for a weekend of skiing—my initial attempt at that activity. On the first run I fell and twisted my ankle so badly that the ski patrol had to return me to the lodge. I refused X-rays and attempted to pray for myself. My friends, who were also Christian Scientists, helped greatly in calming my fears, reminding me of the central facts of my spiritual being.

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