Be still, my heart: you rest in Love divine;
God's gracious touch has silenced grief and pain.
His timeless Christ has ordered no decline;
In changeless being shall your health remain.
Be still, my heart: your faithful only Friend
Secures your joyful voyage without end.
Be still, my heart: of present glories sing
Instead of mourning for a troubled past.
Replace sad tunes with melodies that ring
Of God's rich mercy and of blessings vast.
Be still, my heart: the winds and waves recede
When to His angel voices you give heed.
Be still, my heart: our Father casts out fears,
Assuring you of God and man at one;
And in that oneness here and now appears
His everlasting life, with death outdone.
Be still, my heart: no lies, no tears, no curse
Can mar the rhythm of His universe.