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Church Bulletin Board

From the December 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Whether at a shopping mall, on a college campus, or in the foyer of a church, a bulletin board is a great place for people to share information. You can learn a lot about an active community from reading local bulletin boards. We hope you'll enjoy this bulletin board and feel encouraged to join in and share experiences.

Working with children who have special needs has always been a first love with me. For several years I have taught troubled or handicapped children in the Sunday School of our church. They have had various problems. One was considered mentally retarded. Another was homeless. One was very angry and very hurt because of conflict in the home. Some have been classified as underachievers, and there have been others.

One day a young widow brought her eight-year-old son to the Sunday School. He was sightless. The superintendent asked me to take the boy to a class of our own and requested that I do as much as I could to help him become a regular part of the Sunday School.

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