Jesus healed quickly those who sought healing, and today there are many documented accounts of quick healing through prayer. There are times too, of course, when healing has come slowly. But we do know that in either case, as we have sought healing through prayer, we have found an increasing awareness of God's nearness as truths of His nature and knowing have unfolded in our consciousness. Is this unfoldment culminating in healing less precious or complete if the healing is not rapid? Of course not. Whether the continuing and constant unfoldment of spiritual realities is manifested quickly or slowly in changes on the human scene, the unfoldment is no less genuine or satisfying.
Christ Jesus assured us we have the kingdom
of God within us. None is a favored or favorite
son; none is left out or shut out of the kingdom
that God has given to His beloved likeness, man.
The creative unfoldment of ideas that, when cherished, takes form in our experience as healing may be likened to what occurs in the very first chapter of Genesis. There we are told of the evenings and mornings of the six days that preceded the day when God saw the perfection and completeness of His creation and was well pleased with the infinitude of His own good.