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Testimonies of Healing

"Divine Love always has met and always will...

From the December 1989 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Divine Love always has met and always will meet every human need." These words from the Christian Science textbook, Science and Health by Mrs. Eddy, found on the walls of many branch Churches of Christ, Scientist, have been proved countless times in my experience. I offer this testimony in gratitude to God.

My parents were sincere students of Science. A Christian Science Sunday School was the guide in my religious upbringing, and my parents were ever faithful in seeing that my brother and I had this weekly opportunity to forward our spiritual growth. The Christian Science periodicals reinforced my study of Science, especially the testimonies of healing and the articles written for children.

More than thirty years of marriage to a friend and fellow Christian Scientist have brought continued spiritual enrichment. We have seen the ever-availability and power of divine Truth many times in raising our four children. The effects of exposure to diseases commonly associated with childhood have been negated by the fact that God's man cannot be subject to contagion in any form. All our children not only have had relative freedom from these illnesses but have had excellent school-attendance records as well.

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