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The vision that frees

From the January 1992 issue of The Christian Science Journal

What an experience to catch the vision of spiritual truth for the first time! It changes our lives. We don't feel the same about things and other people. We don't feel the same about ourselves. Christly elements such as gratitude and forgiveness enter our hearts, and we gain a more unselfish outlook on life. The vision of divine Spirit's infinitude and of our own spiritual selfhood is so new to our thought—and so freeing—that many healings often follow as a result.

I recently got a letter from a friend who had such an experience. She was struggling to make ends meet as a single mother with a teenage son to support. She worked in a beauty salon, and her business, as well as the general economy, was depressed. To make things worse, she suffered from a burning, painful rash on her hands that kept her awake all hours of the night, robbing her of needed rest.

Two weeks after she asked a Christian Science practitioner, who was a client of the salon, to pray for healing of her hands, she still was not any better. The practitioner then told her to remove from her thinking all unloving thoughts. My friend immediately realized that she had been accumulating resentment toward two co-workers who she thought were trying to take her clients away.

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