Consider this: concepts such as huge, mammoth, giant, and minute, tiny, little, are relative. Something is big or small, near or distant, only in relation to something else. A pin's head is small in comparison with a baseball; but in relation to a fragment of pollen, it is large. The light on my desk is near me, in relation to a light on the Brooklyn Bridge. But both are close compared to a star blinking in the night sky.
Maybe that's obvious, or only of slight passing interest. But it can be mightily practical to have a spiritually based sense of proportion. We work more confidently and healingly in Christian Science as we understand why any looming problem we face is insignificant in relation to the magnitude and power of the healing Christ, Truth.
Imagine David facing that lofty Philistine enemy, Goliath. See I Sam., chap. 17. Physical dimensions apparently didn't impress David. In relation to David's God, infinite Spirit, Goliath was infinitely less than very small. The "size" of the challenge facing David couldn't have been a factor or a fear in his thinking.