Many of us at one time or another may have felt our "world" was unraveling at the seams. But through prayer we can turn this kind of stressful thinking around. We can use such a challenge as an opportunity to knuckle down to the business of getting a spiritual view of the world and of our safety in God's care.
Appearances can be deceiving, especially if we think we're mortals living in a material world. We tend to believe we're fragile beings existing apart from our creator, susceptible to influences beyond our control. And this does appear to be the way things are. But because God is Spirit and the only creator, we're not really vulnerable creatures of the flesh. Our true and only selfhood is His spiritual idea, living and having our being in Him. And since God is the only Mind, the one true consciousness, man, as Mind's reflection, is governed wisely, unerringly, by God's ever-present, unfailing laws of total goodness and harmony.
A woman who felt her world was falling apart called a Christian Scientist for help through prayer. She was reminded of the basic truths of God's government of man and accepted them. She began to feel God's love. She lost some of the fear that accompanies the belief that we are separated from God, divine Love. The healing of a fragmented sense of the world had begun.