People are anxious to find themselves, to know what it is that makes them special and indispensable. Is individuality really defined by a set of likes and dislikes and mannerisms called a personality? Is it defined by what we wear or with whom we keep company?
Who you and I really are, what makes us invaluable and unique, is something we're already equipped with. Our individuality is determined by our Maker; it comes from God. It's not something we purchase or someone we pretend to be. Discovering our true individuality has everything to do with finding out who God is and therefore what God has given man as His image and likeness. God is Life and Love. He is Spirit and entirely good. He is the all-wise divine Mind. God made the whole universe, including man, and everything Mind created is wonderfully and diversely like the original, expressing its nature. Everything Mind created is spiritual, intelligent, loving, and always serving a useful and essential purpose.
God's man reflects his creator in the individual and spiritual expression of grace, intelligence, love, color, beauty, health, form, purity, and power. In her pamphlet No and Yes, Mary Baker Eddy, the author of Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, explains man's Godlike individuality this way: "Man's individual being must reflect the supreme individual Being, to be His image and likeness; and this individuality never originated in molecule, corpuscle, materiality, or mortality." 1