Who doesn't want to have a feeling of dominion? The stability, freedom, and tranquillity that we associate with dominion are deeply appealing. And the thought of having dominion over evil is certainly comforting. I've found, however, that there is a dimension to the Biblical concept of dominion that is even more satisfying. It's a perception that strengthens one's healing ability.
It's natural for people to talk about having, or wanting to have, dominion over fear or some other evil. But just think about a passage in the first chapter of Genesis with which students of the Bible are so familiar. It says that God gave man, whom He made in His image and likeness, dominion over all the earth.1 Does the Bible's first chapter, which presents the true record of creation, say that God created anything evil or fearful? Well, maybe "every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth" sounds a little creepy. But then the Scripture right away assures us that "God saw every thing that he had made, and, behold, it was very good." 2 As a matter of fact, the word evil doesn't even appear in the first chapter of Genesis.
Well, like many others, I've spent a lot of time pondering all of this. And I've gained an appreciation of a fuller and deeper dimension of dominion, one that includes greater mastery and authority. This has served to support further my confidence in the healing ministry of Christian Science.