Over the past year, employees at The Mother Church in Boston, Massachusetts, have been gathering in the Sunday School building almost every Thursday to bear from the various departments at the Church Center about bow their work is fulfilling the mission, purpose, focus, and priority objectives of the Church of Christ, Scientist. Last May,
and gave a presentation on the progress of The Christian Science Journal. Barbara had served as Associate Editor of the Journal over the precedingfive and a half years. Lyon Osborn is the Circulation Marketing Manager for the Journal. They talked about what the Journal is designed to do, who it is designed for, and the role of its physical design in carrying out its mission. We thought readers would be interested in the following excerpts from their presentation.Barbara Vining: The journal's editorial and marketing teams have been giving a lot of thought to the concept of design. A design is a plan, or purpose, aimed at a particular outcome. And, as with everything we do in this organization, we start with God, who is the real designer. He designs all things according to His nature and according to His plan that all must reflect and glorify Him.
Lyon Osborn: The Church of Christ, Scientist's mission is defined by Mary Baker Eddy in her design for the Church. She writes in the Manual of The Mother Church that the Church was "... designed to commemorate the word and works of our Master, which should reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing." Manual, p. 17