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Sunday School and "troubling questions"

From the August 1999 issue of The Christian Science Journal

When I Was Eleven, I attended a branch Church of Christ, Scientist, with a great-uncle. I found it fascinating, but I was not ready to leave the church of my parents and grandparents. When I was fifteen, there was a crisis in our family; my father wanted a divorce. My mother sought help from that same uncle and consequently began to study Christian Science. So I began reading the Christian Science Bible Lesson and attended Sunday School and Wednesday testimony meetings with my mother.

I began to find answers to some of my most troubling questions. I had asked the ministers why we didn't heal as Jesus commanded, and I had puzzled over the virgin birth. Now I sat through Wednesday testimony meetings with a sincere appreciation and awe at what I was hearing. As the answers to my questions were unfolded to me in my study, I dug deeper in pursuit of the solution to our family crisis. I longed for my family to be reunited and for the return of the security that I had once felt. I was very angry at my father; I felt he had rejected my mother, my little brother, and me. I asked myself repeatedly why this had happened to us.

Over the next eighteen months as I attended Sunday School, I am sure I was a difficult student; I had many doubts and questions. But the teacher was always there; his conviction that Christian Science was the truth practiced by Jesus was unwavering. He shared many instances of healing and rejuvenation that he and his family had experienced.

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