"THOUGH THE MOUNTAINS should depart and the hills be shaken or removed, yet My love and kindness shall not depart from you, nor shall My covenant of peace and completeness be removed, says the Lord, Who has compassion on you." Isa. 54:10.
This assurance was spoken to a broken people in exile. Everything familiar to them was gone—their family life and belongings, their homes, their places of worship. They'd been removed from their loved mountains and hills. They were separated from the things that gave life its sweet meaning. They felt overwhelmed. But God's great love, unmovable and calm, was an anchor to keep them from being swept away. In this love they found their identity as a people.
Anyone who has ever lost or been separated from family members and the security of home, or anyone who has lost a job—sometimes after years of working at the same place, with familiar relationships and routines—knows what separation can do to feelings of self-worth and belonging. But divine Love always assures us that we continue to belong to God. Even when changes come suddenly to connections and relationships we hold dear, our God-appointed identity does not change. Neither does our purpose for being.