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Testimonies of Healing

Healed of lung trouble

From the May 2001 issue of The Christian Science Journal

I HAD A WONDERFUL HEALING of lung trouble over thirty years ago. At that point I understood very little about Christian Science. I had gone into hospital and was there for about three months. During this time a loving Christian Science practitioner wrote me very helpful and uplifting letters.

Toward the end of the three months, I asked the doctor for permission to go home, because of my mother's failing health. Permission was given with some reluctance. Once I was home, I threw away all my medication and asked for Christian Science treatment. As a result of this treatment, my health and strength gradually improved. Later, a medical examination showed that I was clear of the lung condition.

I feel that this healing was brought about mainly as the result of the practitioner's clear, insistent recognition that I was the spiritual and perfect child of God. I also feel that my receptivity to that truth contributed to the healing.

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