I would like to tell about several healings I've had through prayer.
While I was on a Boy Scout camping trip many years ago, I got too close to a campfire. My pant leg caught on fire and my leg was severely burned. As soon as I returned home, my parents called a Christian Science practitioner to pray for me. The Scoutmaster and his wife, a registered nurse, were our next-door neighbors. While his wife respected our choice to rely on God for healing, she lovingly offered to advise my mother on dressing the burn. When she saw the burn, she said she thought a doctor should be consulted immediately because an infection could set in.
My family and I felt safe relying totally on God, however, and the practitioner helped us understand that I was really a spiritual creation of God. Our prayers were based on the truth that God is Spirit, the substance of my life—so I was untouched by any fire. No infection developed, and in a short time I had full use of my leg.