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Stillness and the vitality of life

A senior is healed of heart palpitations as he listens quietly to God.

From the August 2001 issue of The Christian Science Journal

Recently I applied to renew my passport. After examing my birth certificate, the postmaster slowly looked up at me and said, "This is hard to believe." I smiled, and he renewed my passport. But on the way home, I asked myself, "Do I believe it? Am I proud of looking younger than my birth certificate?"

I needed to let God be my Mind and my Life.

A short time later, I started to be afraid of some symptoms I was having that are generally associated with old age—including heart palpitations and fatigue. As I recalled the exchange over my passport, I realized I'd consented to the first enemy of humanity—the belief that everyone is born into a material body that eventually deteriorates. But I had to go beyond intellectualizing. I realized I had something more to learn about eternal life.

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