Thanks for including my interview in the May issue ["Business across cultures"]. I want to be sure I didn't overstate the desire in Eastern Europe to understand man's spiritual nature. There definitely exists a new commitment to ethical practices, and I believe this stems from a dawning realization, rather than a focused search, of the spiritual fact that man is more than a mortal entity dependent on material means for well-being. Having said that, I think any degree of receptivity to understanding man's essential spiritual being will destroy the remnants of cynicism and corruption.
St. Louis, Missouri
The April Journal ["Ten good lawyers"] showed an 18th century Italian "parochet," including the Tablets of the Law. The caption said "hung before the ark in a temple." As I hadn't seen the word "parochet" before, I turned to two dictionaries and was surprised to see no reference to it. I would be interested to have a definition, and to learn about their meaning and significance.