In the New Age Spirituality that has become so popular in recent years, there is a strong belief of reincarnation. How would Christian Science look at the belief of reincarnation?
To me, God isn't in the recycling business; He doesn't keep recreating or reinventing us. Jesus taught his desciples that life is eternal. He restored Jairus' daughter and a widow's son to life, as well as his friend Lazarus. And his final proof was his own resurrection and ascension after his crucifixion.
An experience I had helped me to understand eternal life to some degree. I fell seriously ill when I was in war-torn Vietnam. I was put in a jeep and driven to a military hospital in Da Nang. When I arrived, I was no longer aware of those around me or able to communicate with them. Still, I was able to pray for myself. Although to everyone else I was unconscious, at no time did I stop thinking. I kept praying. I remember thinking about Jesus' healing of a man with palsy, and his words, "Rise, take up thy bed, and walk" (John 5:8). immediately I became conscious again and was allowed to leave—I was healed.