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From the May 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

LIVING AS AN AMERICAN EXPATRIATE IN ASIA for more than 16 years has taught me the invaluable lesson of being willing to let God, divine Principle, unfold His will in any situation. I began learning this lesson shortly after my husband and I moved to Japan, and I was expecting our first child. Though we were not in our home country, we knew that God's love is ever-present and His guidance always accessible. With a minimum of effort, we found a hospital that supported natural childbirth and midwife deliveries. When I went into labor, my husband called the Christian Science practitioner we had been working with, and then whispered her words in my ear: "Let the divine idea appear." For me, this established the fact that this birth was truly a spiritual event, entirely safe in God. Moments later our son was born. Subsequently, we were blessed with the birth of three more children in the same fearless, harmonious way.

From this point on, I began to ponder the concept of letting God's will appear and found thinking this way indispensable to our well-being in a foreign country. Due to cultural differences, people can constantly be faced with situations that are confusing or difficult to understand. A personal perspective is quick to jump in with such thoughts as, "Why do they act that way? Why do they do things like that? That's not the right way to do it." It's easy to feel insecure or to pass judgment unwittingly.

I WAS LEARNING MORE ABOUT GOD as the only Mind and the source of one harmonious creation.

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