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From the June 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

THE VIVID COLORS OF SPRING FLOWERS in the meadows, the majesty of powerful waterfalls, the quiet reflection of the sky on a small pond—just a few of the many ways that nature expresses the beauty, freshness, and continuity of divine Life. They inspire us to expect in our own life the same qualities. When we find them, we feel joy and fulfillment. But sometimes it seems that our life could be deprived of the strength, health, and promise that naturally belong to it.

The media often contribute to this sense of uncertainty and fear about life by presenting violence, diseases, natural disasters, and many other challenges as perpetual threats to our well-being. However, before we accept at face value this negative view of life, we need to take a deeper look at what constitutes life's true nature.

Through the ages, thinkers and scientists have challenged the evidence before them. They have questioned what was sometimes considered the unquestionable. As a result, they found that the earth is not flat after all. And that what we see as inert matter is, in fact, the expression of energy forces in constant motion. Even the notions of time and space have been radically redefined since the 1800s.

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