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WHY HAVE A CHURCH? Can't we each just commune alone with our divine Source...

From the July 2007 issue of The Christian Science Journal

WHY HAVE A CHURCH? Can't we each just commune alone with our divine Source and feel all the strength, love, and power that come from that precious relationship? We could. If we had to. But why not claim the strength that comes from joining together with our brothers and sisters to forge a path through life—the strength to keep going, even when the road twists and turns, bringing sorrow or illness or trouble of any kind. What of the love that supports and embraces us that comes from those who know us as family—those who pray alongside us, offering the hand of friendship and understanding through the years? And what of the power that nothing can stop—the power of God's children united in a common Cause—the mission of bringing healing to a world in need?

The vitality of church—the heart and soul of church—doesn't lie in buildings, no matter how elegant, no matter how humble. It doesn't lie in trappings of any kind. Rather, the people inside the church, whether in a 12' x 30' metal building, a stately cathedral, or in a storefront on a busy boulevard, those who live their faith, who breathe in the holiness of the Scriptures and breathe out the love and compassion of those teachings—only those people can keep church vital. And that vitality cannot remain unseen. Spreading out through the members, out to one's neighbors and to the community, the combined spiritual unity and love of a congregation bring light and transformation not only to each other, but ultimately to the world. Claim that vitality. Today. And see the world respond.


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