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From the October 2009 issue of The Christian Science Journal

YOU NEEDN'T BOTHER CHECKING to see what the world's largest Internet search engine (whose name shall not be used as a verb in this column) has to say when you search the terms science and love. For this daily Internet user, the first several links I saw brought to mind Mary Baker Eddy's pungent phrase "the tangled barbarisms of learning." My computer screen offered tons of science as material reductionism----reducing existence and causation to biochemical phenomena----and so little about love that didn't reduce it to lust.

Not that Google's search algorithms couldn't turn up useful ideas somewhere among those millions of web pages. Yet, what we've aimed to do in this issue is to bring into sharp focus the insights and inspiration of people who have in some measure proved that christianity is the ultimate science, the Science of divine Love.

Christianity's founder loved God and God's creation in ways that instantly healed and bettered people's lives. And Jesus was also, in another of Mrs. Eddy's memorable phrases in Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures, "the most scientific man that ever trod the globe," because he "plunged beneath the material surface of things, and found the spiritual cause" (p. 313). He's the model Love-based healer.

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