IN OUR TEENS, my brother and I were professional dancers, performing in motion pictures, theaters, hotels, and clubs. In addition, we enjoyed other athletic activities, including horseback riding, hiking, swimming, and tennis. We liked all sports, not for the purpose of wanting to be fit, but—as someone once said—we were active because we were fit.
The most important part of our fitness was due to our dad's requirement that we daily read the Christian Science Bible Lesson—all of the sections—from the time I was thirteen and my brother fifteen. It has been shown to me over and over again that this study kept us in good shape both mentally and physically.
Not long after I joined The Mother Church and a branch church, I was offered a Sunday School class of tenth grade high-school girls who were very observant of how I looked and what I wore. That provided a good reason for me to make a prayerful effort to consistently represent my highest sense of harmony and healing.